Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friends Come and Go

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Youth in Christ
Murky water of impurities,

Hand of Fate

Would You?

Sunday, October 3, 2010
To The Former Lovers of my Youth

I have loved you but not as much as I should,
I’ve cared a lot but not to the highest extent
I’ve been real…true to what I believe was
But not enough to prove I was certain
I was sure but somewhat hesitant
Feelings were sincere but somehow inexact
Love existed as though it did not
Happiness was there yet seemed inconstant.
Sorry is the least word I could just say,
I have done my part to let you know,
Perhaps forgiving me is not so easy,
It’s my biggest mistake hurting you
Our break-up wounded my heart too,
There were days I missed your nearness
Times we had together were of great value
But our love has not passed the test.
Time has borrowed us few moments
To share all the laughter and pains,
Memories to remember through ages
Stuck in the heart like unseen stains
We may have parted ways in the past
Gone through unhappy bitter ends,
As we let go and move on at last,
I do hope to own you as friends.